Thursday, August 27, 2009

Let the Posting Begin

Now that I have settled in to my new digs and have a little more time on my hands I am committing to having a successful blog.I am an avid scrapbooker, paper crafter, self-proclaimed interior designer, mother of 2 beautiful girls (i know...all moms say that)and wife to one gorgeous pilot (who I rarely see). But yes, he is real and I am proud to call him mine.
I have been busy unearthing my worldly goods, settling in to my new home and conducting a lot of research for my new business venture.
I am hoping that I get some blog followers, impart some words of wisdom,learn from my fellow artists and continue to evolve as an artist. comes one of those moments now!
I wanted to share a site that has been very helpful to me whenever I even so much as think about getting a new crafting tool or product. It is...drumroll please...
This site provides firsthand commentary with pros/cons and detailed product information. Then it is up to you to decide if the product seems worth purchasing. By the way, it is not limited to scrapbooking products only. They cover it all.
* You should really check it out*
I hope this tidbit was helpful. Thanks for stopping. Happy Crafting!

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