This week's tip is designed to help you keep your punches sharp and in great punching shape.
If you find your punches are not cutting quite as crisp or that you are having difficulty with your image cutting as it should; maybe it's time to show those punches who is boss.
Run your punches through aluminum foil or wax paper a few times. That seems to help restore the glide factor in punches. Also, if you punch through paper which is glittered or flocked you should gently wipe your punch with a baby wipe but be sure to dry it after. Leaving it wet may rust out the punch so don't do that. You can also just blow the debris off yourself, use a Q-tip to gently remove the glitter or flock powder or run a quick blow dryer on your punch on the cold setting to help blow out the debris. Finally, you can use a little WD-40 if they get a stuck or difficult to punch with.
Just a few things to consider to help keep your punches in their best working order for a long time to come.
Have a great week.
Thanks for the tip! I have a punch from SU that is stuck and Im going to try your suggestion. Love all your tips, thanks for taking the tine to give them to us :) Have a wonderful week.