I had a curious crafter actually e-mail to ask if I knew a way to stretch a dollar or two when it came to flowers.
So this week's tip is for you..."Flowery Fiona"!
Thanks for asking & I hope this helps.
Long ago I posted a tip that you could purchase a bouquet at the dollar store & pull the petals apart & get a stash of flowers & greenery on the cheap. You could build your flower for less & customize it to suit your project using different colors & types of flowers. Think about it...with 2- dollar store bouquets you can really rack up.
Today I am adding a bit more of a tip to that. I recommend that you check out the bridal aisle of any local craft store. They have small scaled flowers of all kinds & some really beautiful sprays, leaves, pearlized & jeweled stems that you can incorporate too. You can get a lot for less going that route. In fact, Michael's had some floral spray minis on clearance for .79 cents just this weekend!
Lastly, never rule out the garden & faux flower sections of your local craft stores. You know those flower picks? Michael's carries some that are .99 cents. Sometimes they go on sale for 40% off and those make for gorgeous additions to your craft projects & pages.
If you are concerned with the acid free, lignen free component...don't let the flowers, stems or sprays directly touch your photos and everything should be fine.
Have a great week!
Great tips Sonia....I wish I had a Michaels locally here...I sooooooooooooo miss the $1 bin!