I am pleased to say that the sweet Amanda over at: My Scrappin Obsession has gifted me this lovely award. Thank you for thinking so much of my blog to extend such a kindness.
In receiving this award you agree to the following:
1-Thank the person who gave it to you.
2-Copy the award to your blog.
3-List 3 things you like about yourself.
4-Post a picture that you love.
5-Tag 5 people you would like to give the award to.
The picture that I love:

These are my beautiful babies- Need I say more?
The 5 blogs I am sharing this award with are:
Carolyn @ The Scrap Avenue
Stephenie @ SS Crafter
Savannah @ savannahland2
Anna @akellyscrafts.blogspot.com
The 3 things I like about myself are:
1-The ability to see the best in people.
2-The amount of patience I have.
3-The capacity I have to love.
Off I go to share the love!
Have a great day.